Do you have a quality website?

When competing on the internet, quality matters… In order for you to create a website that is a step above the rest, your website has to:

1.     Be Search Engine Friendly

We all know a website is published to be found by people searching the internet. To give your customer a quality website, you need to ensure that it is search engine optimized from the start. Meta tags must be supplied and needs to be applied where necessary.

2.     Be Safe and Secure

Put in the effort to prevent your website from being hacked. Use up to date technologies and implement additional measures for better security.

3.     Be Mobile Friendly

In order to cater for the ever growing mobile market, your site has to be mobile friendly. Implementing a responsive design will ensure that your website can be viewed on different mobile devices. HTML5 is the new code standard that will make your site cross-browser compatible.

4.     Load Fast

Speed is the one factor that can prevent your site from being successful. With bandwidth not being great in all countries and all regions, you want your site to be the one that users with slow bandwidth can use. Making use of a light-weight design and caching can assist in this regard.

5.     Have Great Content

Content on your website has to be credible and original. Provide your readers with timely information, keep it fresh. Remember to organize your content in a way that will make it easy for readers to find what they are looking for. Please avoid spelling mistakes and typing errors.

This list can go on forever, but in short if you implement the above you will have a quality website.

photo credit: wili_hybrid via photopin cc